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Terms of Service

Effective: Budapest, 2024.05.01.

These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as “ToS”) govern the rights and obligations related to the use of the website operated by Livestocker Solutions Kft. (hereinafter referred to as “Provider”) available at

By visiting the website, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by these ToS.

Provider’s Information

  • Company Name: Livestocker Solutions Kft.
  • Registered Office: 1013 Budapest, Pauler Street 6.
  • Postal Address: 1013 Budapest, Pauler Street 6.
  • Registration Authority: Company Registry Court of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court
  • Company Registration Number: 01-09-200958
  • Tax Number: 25120442-2-41
  • Representative: András Moldován, Managing Director
  • Website:
  • Email:

Hosting Provider’s Information:

  • Name: [***]
  • Headquarters: [***]
  • Contact: [***]


  • Parties: Provider and User collectively;
  • User: a natural person visiting or using the website;
  • Provider: the operator of the website who provides content services to Users;
  • Service: the content service provided by the Provider, including visiting and using the website;
  • Website: the Provider’s website available under the domain name, through which the content service is provided;
  • Visiting, Using the Website: accessing the information available on the Website and initiating contact.

Subject and Scope of the ToS

These ToS cover the content services provided by the Provider.

The personal scope of the ToS extends to the Provider and the User.

The User is obliged to act in accordance with these ToS when visiting or using the Website. By using the Service, the User acknowledges and agrees to be bound by these ToS. The User is responsible for any failure to comply with or breach these ToS. The Provider has the right to exclude the User from using the Website if the User breaches these ToS.

The ToS are effective from the date of publication until revoked.

The User acknowledges that the Provider has the right to unilaterally modify the provisions of these ToS. The User will be notified of any changes by publication on the Website.

The current ToS can be viewed on the Provider’s [***] page, downloaded, and copied.

Visiting and Using the Website

Visiting the Website is free of charge. During the visit, the User can freely search, view, share, or print the contents made available on the Website.

The Website provides the User with information about certain software products of the Provider and facilitates contact to access these products.

The User can initiate communication with the Provider under the “Contact” menu or by pressing “Contact” associated with the selected content on the Website.

The Provider has the right to unilaterally change, modify, or update the content and appearance of the Website at any time.

The User acknowledges that the Provider does not assume responsibility for the contents uploaded to the Website and their reliability. The User acknowledges that they accept and follow the information on the Website at their own risk, and the Provider is not responsible for any damage resulting from following the content displayed on the Website.

Tools and Technical Requirements

To use the Services, the User must have an internet connection and the latest internet browser. The User bears all costs associated with the internet connection, including data traffic fees, regardless of where the User uses the Service.

The User can use the Service with any device suitable for internet access, including computers, mobile phones, tablets, or other devices.

Meeting the above system requirements does not guarantee unrestricted use of the Service if circumstances beyond the Provider’s control prevent it. The Provider excludes liability to the extent permitted by law if the User cannot use the Service or can only use it to a limited extent due to internet overload or issues related to computers, devices, networks, electronics, or communication beyond the Provider’s control.

The User must report any malfunction, outage, or other error in the Service to the Provider as soon as possible.

The User acknowledges that the Provider is not at fault if the User’s digital environment is incompatible with the technical requirements defined in these ToS, or if the Service is unavailable due to planned maintenance. The Provider will inform Users about any service outages and their duration necessary for service maintenance.


Under Section 1(1) of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright (hereinafter referred to as “Copyright Act”), the Provider’s Website qualifies as a copyrighted work, and all parts of it are protected by copyright. The copyright holder is the Provider, who is the only entity entitled to authorize the use of individual copyright rights. According to Section 16(1) of the Copyright Act, it is prohibited to use texts, graphical and software solutions (e.g., images, videos, layout, editing), and computer programs on the Website without permission or to use any application to modify the Website or any part of it. Copying the entire or significant parts of the Website’s database is only permitted with the written consent of the copyright owner (Livestocker Solutions Kft.) and with proper reference to the Website as the source.

The Provider grants the User a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to view the content of the Website and to make copies of it or its parts for personal use. The User can use the Service and the content of the Website solely for personal, individual use. The User may make copies or print parts of the Website content for personal use only. The User is not entitled to any further use of the copies (especially but not limited to reproduction, distribution, storage in a database, making it downloadable, commercial distribution, or modification). The User explicitly acknowledges that they may not use the Service with another person or make the Service content public, forward it to third parties, or make it available. The Service can only be used for private purposes, and any business use requires the Provider’s prior written consent. Personal use cannot serve the purpose of generating or increasing income, even indirectly.

The User does not acquire any other rights beyond the limited rights defined in Section 6.2. The Provider reserves all personal and property rights related to the Service, particularly all rights of publication, reproduction, further processing, and disposal.

Limitation of Liability, Warranty

The Provider excludes all liability for the authenticity, content, completeness, legality, and reliability of the information and materials placed on the Website and the conduct of Users.

The Provider does not guarantee that the display or use of the Website will always be uninterrupted, continuous, or error-free. Similarly, the Provider does not guarantee that any content displayed or accessible through the Website will always be error-free, virus-free, or free from any harmful content.

The Provider excludes liability for any damages resulting from downloading or unavailability of the Website.

The User acknowledges that any content downloaded by following external links on the Website is not under the Provider’s influence. The Provider excludes all liability for the content of offers, advertisements, and notices appearing on the Website.

Complaint Handling

The User may submit complaints related to the Service in writing to the Provider at the following contact:

The Provider will respond to the submitted complaint within thirty days of receipt, unless otherwise provided by a directly applicable legal act of the European Union. A shorter period may be specified by law, and a longer period may be provided by an act. The Provider must justify its position rejecting the complaint.

If the Provider and the User cannot resolve any dispute through negotiations, the User may use the following legal remedies:

Consumer Protection Procedure

The Consumer may file a complaint with the consumer protection authority competent based on their residence if they notice a violation of consumer rights. After assessing the complaint, the authority decides on conducting a consumer protection procedure. First-instance consumer protection authority tasks are performed by the county and metropolitan government offices competent based on the consumer’s residence. The list is available at:

NMHH Complaint

Regarding the content of the Website, the User may submit a complaint to the National Media and Infocommunications Authority at the following address: 1433 Budapest, P.O. Box 198 (more information:

Court Procedure

The User is entitled to enforce their claim arising from the legal dispute in a civil procedure before the court under Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure.

Technical Protection Measures and Digital Content Functionality

The availability of servers providing data on the Website exceeds 99.9% annually. The Provider regularly backs up all data daily, so the original data can be restored in case of an issue. Data displayed on the Website is stored in a MySQL database. Sensitive data is stored with adequate encryption, using hardware support built into the Provider’s processor for encryption.

Data Management Information

Regarding the data management necessary for visiting and using the Website, the Provider provides information available at the following link: [***]

Miscellaneous Provisions

The Provider is entitled to place advertisements from third parties or advertisements presenting its services on the Website.

Failure or delay in exercising any right or remedy under these ToS or any applicable law by the Provider does not constitute a waiver of such right or remedy. Partial or single exercise of any right or remedy does not preclude the later exercise of such right or remedy.

The language of these ToS and any communication related to the Service is Hungarian.

Contracts subject to these ToS are not considered written contracts and are not filed by the Provider.

If any provision of these ToS is incomplete or invalid, the applicable legal provisions shall apply to that part. The remaining parts of the ToS remain valid